Zynia Chapman

Zynia Chapman

Dear Visitor,

I feel honored that my smile has drawn you in.  I’m an aspiring writer who has chosen letter writing as a medium of creative self-expression.  I desire to increase the artistry in my letters and develop meaningful relationships with kindred spirits.  My interests include astrology, chakras, numerology, channeling, universal laws, decoding movies, collaging, self-mastery, plant-based cooking, and rainbow artwork.

After several years of incarceration, I now know how I want to serve my time.  I see prison as an opportunity to develop myself spiritually, mentally, and physically into whoever I am meant to be.  Personally, my north star is being an artist, and I’m eliminating distractions and building discipline to be consistently creative.

My personality is positive, candid, and insightful. I’m fueled by learning and having new experiences.  I work as a science tutor for GED students and write articles for the local newsletter about re-entry resources.  I hope to encourage women around me to gain knowledge and tools to create a bright and resilient future.

Enough about me, it would be a pleasure to get to know you.  If you feel guided to introduce yourself, then I look forward to hearing from you soon.

With joy,
Zynia X Zayin

P.S.  To anyone out there interested in studying “Think and Grow Rich” by Napoleon Hill and wants to be in a Mastermind together, I’m pretty sure we’re soul mates!


📧  Email Link:  JPay.com

Zynia Chapman #329464
ASPC – Perryville – Santa Cruz

PO Box 3300
Goodyear, AZ. 85395
USA 🇺🇸


  • Full Name : Zynia Chapman
  • Inmate # : 329464
  • Gender : Female
  • Conviction(s) : 2nd Degree Murder
  • Death Row : No
  • Looking for : Friendship

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